2021 Vision Board-FREEBIE

Every year when December 31st comes around I sit down and reflect upon my goals for the year. I love seeing how far I've come and realizing that sometimes the goals I set 365 days ago no longer apply. After reflecting, I set new goals for the year. I make sure that my goals are realistic and align with my values. Then I do my favorite thing. I create a digital vision board. I grab images that represent my goals and help me truly visualize my life once I accomplish these goals. Finally, I print out the vision board and place it somewhere where I will look at it everyday. 

After completing my vision board for 2021 I thought, why don't I have my students create their own goals and vision boards? I didn't really have a good answer so I created  the Digital Goal Setting and Vision Board Activity! It walks students through creating their own goals and then finding images to go with their goals. I can't wait to use this with my students when we head back to school on Monday!

If you'd like this product for FREE head here to download it!

Happy Reading!




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