The Olympics Test Review

Oh the state test... We all have opinions about them but nonetheless our students take these assessments and it is our job to make sure they are prepared. I decided that we would spend the week before the test reviewing vocabulary and the types of questions they would see on the assessment. But to be honest, that sounds boring so I spent Spring Break wracking my brain for a way to make this review fun. I wanted something that was low prep but would yield high results from my students and make them want to come to school. And that my friends is when I came up with the 2021 Purple Team Olympics. In short, students would work together to read a passage or 2 everyday and answer some questions. Following, they would compete in an olympic sport and win medals. This was a perfect activity because it took half of our class each day and we continued our normal independent reading time and read aloud during class as well, a must for me. 

Day 1: 

Students chose their teammates, picked a country, drew their flag for our hallway display, and researched basics of their country. Here is the research page we used. 

Day 2: 

Students logged into the Ohio Student Practice site and completed a scavenger hunt of the various tools they would have access to during the test (highlight, notes, strikethrough, timer, etc.). Here is a copy of the scavenger hunt. Finally, they worked in their group to read and answer the first passage and questions. 

Students had their answers checked by me and then for every correct answer they got to spin a virtual wheel. We added up their points and the country with the most points became the "Spin the Wheel Champions." This is the virtual wheel we used!

Day 3: 

Students completed a practice passage and questions with their country. For every question their country got right they earned a soccer ball. At the end of class each country took their soccer ball and had a chance to score points. The country with the most points became the "Soccer Champions."

Day 4: 

Similar to day 3, students completed a practice passage and questions with their country. For every question they got correct they earned a basketball. At the end of class they had a chance to shoot their basketballs. The country with the most points became the "Basketball Champions."

Day 5: 

Similar to day 3 and 4, students completed practice passage and questions with their country. For every question they got correct they earned 30 seconds. Then at the end of class students took their time and had to keep the volleyball in the air the longest. The team that kept the volleyball in the air the longest became the "Volleyball Champions."

The 2021 Purple Team Olympics was a blast! I loved it because the students were engaged and reviewing standards in a rigorous way and the students loved it because my kiddos this year love sports and working with friends! 


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